So, I've taken off my polish, and when I look at my nails, I see this. Ew.
To start, I drop a denture tab in some warm water, and soak my tips in there for 5-10 minutes.
Once I pull my nails out, they are a little better, but there's still some goop under the tips, and I have to get my nails prepped too.
Gotta love prune fingers!
To get at that dirt under the nails, I use orange sticks wrapped in cotton, then dipped in polish remover.
Usually it's polish that's stuck under there anyway, so the polish remover works pretty well.
After that, it's time to work on the cuticles. I try to spoil mine like crazy, because the psoriasis messes them up something fierce.
Once I've pushed them all back gently, I go scrub my nails gently with a nail brush and some sugar scrub. This is the result.
So much less yellowing, and no more goop under the tips.
If you look at where I started and where I end up, you can really see the difference.
After all that, I wanted to do something light and bright. Since I'm still keeping Jack in my thoughts, orange fits the bill. I did a whole week of oranges for Jack.
This one doesn't have a name, but neon orange is what it is.
Sometimes the camera washes these oranges out, but this picture turned out pretty nicely.
The polish went on smoothly and this is 3 coats.
I really love bright neon colors.
I could just let the pictures speak for themselves.
It practically glows in the dark.
The camera just can't capture it perfectly.
Even in dimmer light, it's pretty in your face.
I'll have the rest of the week of orange for you soon, as well as some special polishes. Here's a little teaser!
Tomorrow there will be a special surprise for Leap Day. Please stop back and check it out!
0 burst into song!:
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