Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Random Tuesday Thoughts


I'm really QUITE disappointed that we haven't been able to muster up more votes for Grayson in the iGive video competition. It's so easy to vote, takes just a few seconds, and though you do need to sign up, they do NOT spam you or anything, so your email is still 'safe'. The link is here: Grayson video. I know that all of the causes are worthy, but Grayson is near and dear to me because there are only FOUR people running the place, and they don't get paid! There are now 83 cats in foster care, and 92 in the shelter... where there is technically space for about 36 cats. And it's not as bad for the dogs, but they are pretty full there too. It just breaks my heart that more people don't know about them and help them, even in a small way like voting for their video.

We watched a special about steam trains today, and it made me want to go on a steam train for a few weeks. I like train rides, even if they aren't the most comfortable ever. I think we need to save up some money and do a train vacation. Just no Greyhounds, please. Too many bad experiences with them. Sure, good ones too, but the bad were enough that I don't want to go through them again. 

I like Twitter, but at the same time, I can't keep up very well. I guess that's just life. Maybe at some point I'll figure out how to keep up better.

I do think that the meds might be starting to make a difference on my psoriasis. If so, then it's worth all the extra pain. And the bald spots. And the itchiness. And the inability to do most of my regular work, and having to struggle to keep up with the minimum. Because if this means I'll actually wind up with clear skin, I'll take all the crap in the meantime. 

I still wish I could afford to have a professional organizer come in and help me really get this place organized properly. I'm not bad at it, but I get so overwhelmed at times. 

My best friend is having a really rough time right now, and I hate that I can't help her more. 

Missy snores. It's cute. 

We were going to put on the old screen door yesterday, but it's just too junky. We'll buy a new one this weekend and put it up. I can't wait, I'm totally going to put it up the 'wrong' way, so that when we open it it faces the back yard. See, because when we get it fenced in, then I can just open the door and let the dogs out without them having to try to curl around the door to get back there. And I might see if I can manage to fence in a smaller area just for now. It would help, especially if Bo is going to come stay with us a while. 

I should really work harder on obedience with the dogs. They aren't bad or anything, but I'd really like to get them farther along in training. I'm thinking of trying to make a cart for them to pull. I think it would rock to get them to a point where they could pull one of us around sometimes. 

I loooooooooooove our new washer and dryer. Not having to bend to load them is a HUGE thing. Now I kinda want to do all the laundry in the house. LOL It's one of the only chores I really like. Yes, I know I'm strange. 

Sometimes I wish I was really rich. Of course, I'd just wind up giving away lots of things and overdoing it by taking care of too many animals. Pretty much like I do now. Does that mean I'm rich? Maybe so.

0 burst into song!:

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