Sunday, June 5, 2011

Please Help Me Choose a New Header

I've been playing around with settings and such, and I'd really like to get a better header on here (yeah, the one there is, um, a placeholder), so I'd love it if you would help me choose. Here's the base for my new header, without text.
I like it because DUH nail polish. Hee. So under the cut I have a selection of a few to share with you, and a poll so you can vote for the one you like best.

I'm not going to tell you which one(s) I like best of all, because I'm looking for your opinions, not a rehash of my own. Muahaha. They aren't in any particular order, just labeled one through six. The poll is down at the bottom.





Now, if you like one type but hate the font or something like that, feel free to comment and tell me so. Or if there is some other way you think I should do it, like putting Original Wacky on the right side or whatnot. I'm really open to new ideas or options, especially since The Mate cracked open a bottle of wine, and I'm starting to feel a bit pleasant. Hee.

So, if you'd vote for the one you think is best, that will help me decide which one looks best. I'm not going to say which I think is best, because I want to hear from others. If you are super partial to one and want to waste time, you can vote for it as many times as you want, but that's probably a silly thing to do.And hopefully I'll have another post before too long with more nail polish to enjoy.

Which header do you prefer?

Okay, I'm off to grab another glass of that great wine. Hee.

0 burst into song!:

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