Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Limping Along Here

Just a fast post to let you know that I'm still around, and will hopefully be back to regular posting before long. Lotsa dumb medical stuff, and so on have kept me from being on the computer much, and even from doing my nails as much, but things are on the upswing now (I think haha). Just because, here are a few phone pictures of recent manis to share with you what you might see soon.

Also, I hope to be updating my other blog more as well, which will include pictures of KITTENS! Like this!

No, not mine, I'm reducing numbers, not adding! Also, PUPPIES!

Once again, not mine!

And I do have a few new polishes bought on sale that I'll be using soon.

So that's what's up here lately.

0 burst into song!:

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