Sunday, August 29, 2010

Blog Of The Day.

Today's Blog of the Day post will be short, I'm working on catching up with a lot of things at home, and I'm just not up to much. So, to get right to the point, today's blog is Fugly Horse Of The Day. I know that sounds like a mean name, but the blog is basically about horses. She points out abuses that are happening to horses, and finds information on horses that have been saved and posts it. If you're looking into horse rescue in any way (to adopt, to help, whatever), this blog is one of the first places I'd check.

I really can't pick out any favorite posts, especially since so many of them can be rage-inducing, when I read about horses who are mistreated so awfully. But there are also happy stories about horses that have been saved. And there's lots of general information about horses. If you're a horse person, then you'll probably like reading this blog.

0 burst into song!:

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