Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thursday Twofer

Today I have two absolutely beautiful Pure Ice polishes to show you. I really like the Pure Ice brand, I find the quality is pretty decent, especially for the price. And they have some really beautiful colors. I'd love to see them extend their line even further, but I'll take what I can get, and be happy about it. Hee. Let's take a peek, shall we?

First up is Walk Away.

As you can see, this is a fantastic gold glitter.

I couldn't stop staring at my nails when I wore this.

Ya'll know that I love glitter, or if you don't, well, you do now.

This is three coats, which is fine with me, because it's totally worth the work.

Three days later, I have some tipwear, but it's still fantastic.

Yes, I wore this for three whole days, which I never ever used to do. It's almost becoming a habit to wear polishes longer lately. 

Next we have Not Now, which is a teal that leans pretty green.

This polish is simply fantastic. I love the colors, the way it went on, and how great it looks on my longer nails.

Of course, this is about as long as I let my nails get, because I tend to break them, so I filed them down shortly after this. They have been growing so fast lately that it seems like I can't keep up. Not that I'm complaining, I'm thrilled that my nails seem to be doing so well. 

I wish I had about a dozen more pictures of both of these, but alas, I don't. Still, I hope you enjoyed the ones I do have. I'll be back tomorrow with another Flashback!

0 burst into song!:

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